Kelly McCauley
Edmonton West MP
I am pleased and proud to endorse Debbie Engel for the position of Catholic School Trustee.
I am privileged to know Debbie personally and professionally, and I am continually impressed by her dedication to her work, passion for our community, and professionalism in representing her constituents in Ward 74. With Debbie on the Catholic School Board, I am comfortable knowing that we are represented by someone who always puts students first. Debbie states that her vision is for every student to reach his or her full academic potential, and this goal is evident in Debbie's actions as a trustee of student education.
She has earned the trust of her constituents as an elected Trustee an impressive seven times. The constituents of Ward 74 would be well served re-electing Debbie for an eighth consecutive term.
Kelly McCauley

Kim Street
ECSD Parent
To whom it may concern:
This letter is written in support of Debbie Engel who is seeking reelection in Ward 74 as the Edmonton Catholic School Board Trustee. The only way to explain how important Debbie is to our school board is to tell you our family's story. We have three children all with special needs, including a traumatic brain injury, a severe type one diabetic, and the third with a congenital heart condition. To say it has not been an easy road for us is an understatement. But then throw into the mix the educational journey! Our oldest had settled into his school of Saint Martha Elementary which was huge for us but then our third son was born at 32 weeks, and he was in the NICU, and we were told that he had three holes in his heart and required open heart surgery. At the same time, we were told that the support staff for Connor were about to go on strike and that we needed to come and care for him during the day. This was way too much for us to handle. My husband was working and I was trying to manage going back-and-forth to Grey nuns Hospital on top of having a middle child to care for. I didn’t know what to do, so I contacted Debbie Engel our trustee for Ward 74. I didn’t think she would talk to a stressed out mother but she did. She called the day Keegan was released from one hospital and getting ready to go to Stollery Children’s Hospital. Not only was she loving and willing to listen, she went into action. She contacted our superintendent John Carr and asked what could be done for our family. Next thing I knew they had a plan for my son with the brain injury to continue to go to school without us being there while the strike was happening. One more thing taken off our plates so we could breathe and deal with the other issues we were dealing with at the time.
No matter who you are, or what your struggles are, and you need someone to listen to you - when it comes to your children’s education she has always been there. From her fighting to keep Sister Annata Brockman from going from a kindergarten to grade 9 school to only K to six; she is there to deal with the tough talks and she won’t back down. There are many more stories we can tell you that will support her re-seeking her spot as Edmonton Catholic Trustee. She understands as she too is a mother of two girls and has gone through the process. She has had her highs and lows in the educational world and that is what makes her the best candidate for Ward 74. We need someone who not only lives in the area but who has had children in the system to fight for what our education system requires both today and in the future.
Our family highly recommends Debbie Engel to be reelected towards 74 is Edmonton Catholic School Board Trustee.
Sincerely Kim (and husband Jason) Street

Jude De Almeida
MEd., Secondary Education, former teacher and ECSD Parent
Debbie Engel for trustee ward 74! Passion! Experience! Leadership! Her passion is for Catholic education and she loves serving the Catholic community. I’ve known Debbie since our daughters, now 32, began kindergarten together. Our families are very active members of Good Shepherd Parish. Debbie is the recipient of 125th anniversary of Confederation of Canada Medal, and I endorse her 100%.
Jude De Almeida

Judy Buddle
Former ECSD Trustee
As a former Trustee for Edmonton Catholic schools I am pleased to endorse the candidacy of Debbie Engel as Trustee for Ward 74. Debbie and I were elected first time trustees in 1988 and worked together for nine years. She has served in the capacity of Trustee, Vice Chair, and Chair of the Board. Debbie is a strong leader and innovative thinker, and a quintessential relationship builder and a team player. Debbie always kept the students staff and parents at the heart of her work as a trustee. Her excellent relationship with government officials brings to light the voice of Catholic parents and students in Edmonton. Over the last 16 years Debbie has shown pragmatic leadership and authentic Catholic conscience, visionary inspiration, wisdom, integrity and innovation. Debbie helps parents who are the primary teachers of our children to help themselves guiding our students through excellence in Catholic education. Promotion and protection of Catholic education, which is an extension of the Gospels, is her mission and commitment. She is a stellar example of walking the talk, and deriving the best education possible for students. Debbie‘s love and passion for Catholic education continues to thrive. Her experience and wisdom, gained over years of serving education, will benefit all her constituents as well as all of Edmonton Catholic Schools. I highly recommend Debbie Engel for ward 74 Trustee.
Judy Buddle

Kristin Robb
BEd., U of A, Teacher, former ECSD student
Since I began my education in the Catholic system in kindergarten, Mrs. Engel has always been present to encourage me and help me overcome any obstacles I faced. When she became school trustee she helped me and my sister solve problems we are having at school by using tools available to us. She has been a constant presence in my church and in my neighborhood. It was easy to get a hold of her and she was very attentive to my individual problems. I encourage all of you were able to vote to reelect Mrs. Engel so she may continue helping students like my sister and I and their educational journeys. Thanks for listening!
Kristin Robb

Dr. Megan Clare Engel
DPhil (Oxon)
School Of Engineering And Applied Sciences Harvard University
My mother Debbie Engel is running for reelection to the position of Catholic school trustee representing Ward 74 on October 18. I urge you to demonstrate your support both of the democratic process and of an incumbent who has demonstrated excellence in leadership on our behalf and vote for Debbie Engel for Catholic School Trustee. My mother has been on the board for 23 consecutive years serving for the majority either as board chair or vice chair. She has worked tirelessly to open 20 schools. She has worked hard to find innovative strategies to modernize existing schools (Archbishop MacDonald, construction of the field house at St. FX and more). She serves as a compassionate voice for every child and every person for that matter who believes in Catholic education and our right to it.
She devotes her life to infusing her faith into service of the school district making her trusteeship her full-time job. She is absolutely the most qualified and experienced person for the position. She has demonstrated nothing but unparalleled leadership in phenomenal aptitude for over two decades, not to mention her love and passion for serving others. There have been some turbulent years for Edmonton Catholic Schools, most recently of course, with Covid-19. But these trials allowed my mother to demonstrate a resilience and ability to resolve conflict and come to the table to negotiate with people with a variety of ideologies. Her enduring passion and mission to bring Christ into our schools in the face of skepticism and criticism of publicly funded Catholic education has enabled ECSD to navigate an ever-changing social political and economic climate.
The most important thing we can do as Catholics is advocate love, show mercy, and live out our Catholic values with conviction. Debbie Engel has never compromised her foundation of faith not showing anything but an unwavering commitment to loving each and every child that walks through the door of the Catholic school.
I would want my own children to benefit from this kind of love and humble leadership and I am therefore trying earnestly to encourage as many people as I can to vote for Debbie Engel. Alongside her marriage and family, Catholic education Trusteeship is my mom's true vocation.
Megan Engel